Friday, March 4, 2011

A Blog? Me?

I just finished reading a book review by a dear friend who was dissatisfied with the way the author was forced to 'fill in the blanks' in parts of the subject's life.  I too find that very frustrating.  And, so, a blog was born to guarantee no one will ever have to fill in the blanks when writing my autobiography.

As you have probably all heard, an FBI agent thought long dead has turned up alive in Iran.  The story took me back to a time many years ago - 1967.  I was 5 years old.  On our way home from visit to Pittsburgh, my father stopped in Point Pleasant, WV, to show us the Silver Bridge which had recently collapsed.  There were 46 dead and two missing. I remember looking out across that bridge that ended in nothingness. My dad wondered aloud if the missing had perhaps just seized the opportunity to start new lives somewhere far away without the responsibilities they had foolishly acquired in this life.  Perhaps there was a job they hated?  A wife they no longer loved?  Too many kids?

I started keeping a VERY close eye on my dad.

And....I began to fantasize about doing that very thing.  Building a life full of responsibilities I resented, so I too could run away from it all some day.  Perhaps a couple of selfish, lazy kids...yeh, yeh, that would be good.   Then I could buy things for them I couldn't afford, so I would be swimming in a sea of debt...say, two mortgages.  Throw in some drug abuse, a couple of grandkids, someone else's teenage son and a learning disability. Who wouldn't want to run away from that life?

And now this!  Will I be forced to find somewhere more backward and primitive than IRAN to escape? 


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!
    I too fantasize about running away and creating a new identity... though I am only 25 and have little to actually run away from. But the idea of going some place new, with the opportunity to find a new self, is appealing.

    Hope that next place is warm. I'm tired of the cold weather.

  2. LOL! I have always wondered why my plan wasn't to avoid a life I would want to flee. Seems like you are doing a much better job at that!

    Thanks for reading and commenting. I am now following your blog as well. A whole world I did not know existed.

  3. As I sit here trying to regain my composure, I have laughed for half an hour at your new blog.
    I love it.
    You know I remember the stop at that bridge, but I did not know that, that day was the reason you became daddy's girl...I guess your new page is working because I would have wrote that chapter of your life a little different.
    I am also here to tell you that I WILL find you should you ever decide to act on this inner desire you have to disappear!!!!I WILL I WILL!!
    Have no doubts about this, just make sure you travel through some nice countries before you hit the really remote ones. I sure could use a little R & R also!!

  4. Oh yea don't forget the Mother!!!

  5. I am so touched to have inspired you to blog with my book review. Looking forward to reading more. Love the spring themed template.
